Most children are not responsible enough to take their medication on their own, so it is up to the caregiver to deliver the medication on time and at the right dose. There are four important reasons why an adult should maintain control on daily prescribed medications.
1. A child will stop taking the medication if they feel better, not realizing that the illness could come back if they do not complete the regimen.
2. Children may take too much if the medication is in liquid form or a sweet chew-able tablet.
3. On the other hand, children forget to take their medication and miss important doses.
4. Children can sometimes be unreasonable and refuse to take their medication if it does not taste good or dislike swallowing the pills.
It is important to give your child the medication on time, at the right dose, and either with or without food or beverage, as the label suggests. As a caregiver, you will need to research the medication to know what the drug treats, the side effects and what food or beverages to take out of your child’s diet. Have a plan in mind for what you will do if the child does miss a dose, or has one of the side effects listed in the insert that comes with the drug.
Children react differently than adults to medications. Some will get excitable and become physically rambunctious. While others may become lethargic and lay on the couch to watch television. Know the side effects and report any dangerous behavior or breathing difficulties to your doctor right away.
If you’re giving your child vitamins, herbal remedies, or over-the-counter drugs, be sure to give that information to the pharmacist before they give you your child’s medication as these can sometimes cause dangerous chemical reactions.