Drug companies, as well as the academics, are urged to work on the basis of mutual cooperation by Dr. Duncan Richards, Clinical Director of the GSK Academic Discovery Performance Unit. In December of 2009 he chaired a session titled ‘Translational Pharmacology-Optimizing Academic / Industry Partnerships??? that is officiated by the British Pharmacological Society (BPS), along with the Global Medical Excellence Cluster’s CEO, Dr. Jim Hagan. The session came at a time when there were speculations of less funding availability for scientific research in 2010.
The symposium took a look at the dynamics of successful industrial and academic partnerships, mainly those involving the professionals who are required to forge the bonds between academia and the industry, and make them last to the benefit of both parties.
Dr. Richards said that the impetus towards the field of translational research was gaining force. He said the pressure was mainly coming from the politicians, industry, and bodies that award grants. He also said translational research was going to influence biomedical research in the UK over the course of the next decade. He affirmed that academia and the industry must resolve their respective caricatures???the academia perceived as a group of people who take money and do their own thing, and the industry perceived as treating academia as contact-based researchers who are not given any scientific and creative flexibility at work. Therefore, both of them, claims he, must sit down and work out the differences to produce the best possible research with available funding.
The other speakers at the symposium were Professor Simon Lovestone, Director of the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and Professor of Old Age Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, Dr. Richard Peck, Global Head of Clinical Pharmacology, Roche Products Limited, Owen Scudamore and Tom Longden who are students in the University of Manchester.