• University of Phoenix
    As the leading online school in the nation, Phoneix University offers various pharmacology online courses to take in your own time.
  • KAPLAN University
    One of the largest online universities with a widely recognized name, Kaplan University offers a myriad of online pharmacology courses that fit your schedule.
How to Avoid Drug Interactions
by admin on: February 22nd, 2012

Harmful drug interactions are a major problem all around the world. For example, many people do not realize that eatingeating chocolate, aged cheese, pepperoni, or salami when taking an MAO, monoamine oxidase, inhibitors, like the prescription drugs Nardil or Parnate, could cause a dangerous rise in blood pressure.

While doctors and pharmacists are constantly on the lookout for potential problems with the medicines they prescribe, it is still very important for patients to get involved in the discussion. There are three possible interactions that both patients and physicians should consider when a specific drug is prescribed.

One is the interaction between drugs and food or beverages, like the example above. Another is a drug’s interaction with dietary supplements. Although some people do not consider vitamins and herbs as a medication, they can still interact withprescriptiondrugs. Therefore, the patient should be sure to disclose all of his or her dietary supplements to his or her physician.Finally, doctors must consider the interactions between two medicines, whether over the counter or prescription, as some of these can be harmful to the patient. To help doctors avoid these interactions it is very important for you to discuss all medication you may be taking. If you take several drugs regularly, it may be helpful for you to create a list of all the medication that you have taken in the last ten days before visiting your doctor.

Ultimately, you, the patient, are the last barrier for drug interactions if they are missed by your doctor or pharmacist. Warning labels are an excellent tool and often contain very specific instructions, so be sure to read them carefully. Also, if your doctor does not mention any restrictions do not assume there are none. Be proactive, ask questions, make sure you have all of the facts about your medication. Generally, doctors are happy to answer any questions that you might have and are glad that you asked them.


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