It is common knowledge that drinking milk provides calcium and calcium can ward off the effects of osteoporosis (the loss of bone density). However, recent research has demonstrated four new ways where people can benefit from getting their daily recommended allowance of calcium (1,000 mg of calcium per day for adults under the age of 50, 1,200 mg for those above the age of 50).
1. Some studies have demonstrated that dietary calcium can result in a reduced risk of colon cancer.
2. Having calcium in your diet may reduce the ill effects (irritability, cravings, discomfort, and water retention) associated with menstrual cycles. According to a study in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1,200 mg of calcium can reduce these symptoms by as much as 50%.
3. A recent study from The New England Journal of Medicine suggests that calcium obtained from low-fat dairy products, in combination with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, can help maintain a healthy blood pressure.
4. Obtaining calcium from milk may reduce the risk of developing breast cancer.
In order to reach the suggested daily requirements for calcium, some recommended foods are low-fat or non-fat yogurt, fat-free milk and low-fat or non-fat cheese. It is also suggested that people make sure that they get an adequate amount of Vitamin D, as Vitamin D aids in the body’s absorption of calcium. If you are not a milk drinker, it is possible that you can receive the benefits of calcium via a calcium supplement (make sure the supplement also contains Vitamin D!). Calcium supplements are available in two forms: calcium citrate and calcium carbonate. Research suggests that calcium citrate supplements have a better absorption than calcium carbonate; however, it is recommended that you consult your physician in order to select the best supplement for your health and your diet.
Tags: calcium, osteoporosis