Why is it that some people seem to bounce back from life’s difficulties, yet others become overwhelmed and unable to cope? Obviously, life offers many challenges. There are certain unavoidable, stressful life traumas that every person experiences, including job loss, a death in the family, and the loss of important relationships. Today, in the midst of major global economic changes, many people are dealing with enormous stress as companies are downsizing and homes are being foreclosed. Given all this, knowing how to deal with stress effectively is more important than ever.
What strategies can we use to live healthier lives, even in the midst of ongoing stress? Experts at Health.com have isolated several techniques for taming stress, all of which can aid in relaxation and getting one’s life under control. Though nothing can magically make some of life’s unavoidable stressors go away, knowing sound techniques for dealing with stress can make life much more manageable. Here are a few recommendations for dealing with stress more effectively:
Get Organized. Clutter equals chaos equals stress. De-clutter your home, your office and your life. Make a system and a schedule so you don’t stress over what bill to pay or where the keys are. Make a weekly calendar to help manage appointments. Spending even one hour a week organizing your life can help enormously in reducing stress.
Think Positive. Positive thinking is a simple but powerful tool for reducing stress. If your mind tends to go towards the negative, take a note of those thoughts and write them down. As you become more aware of negative tendencies, challenge yourself to think more positively, having gratitude for what is good in your life rather than being cynical. You’ll be amazed how much this practice can reduce stress.
Take 10 Minutes Off. How much can you accomplish in 10 minutes? A little, or a lot! Take just 10minutes off a day to unplug and find a little peace and solitude. Stop what you are doing, breathe deeply and let your mind be quiet. Try it. It????????s amazing how much this little exercise can help you manage stress.
Take Care of Your Body and Mind. Physical health and mental health are intertwined. Stress can lead to depression and bad habits (substance abuse, unhealthy eating patterns, lack of exercise, and so on) that can increase stress even more, as we lose the ability to cope effectively. How do we combat all this? Get active. Start with a walk and work up to a run. A daily 20-minute walk can reduce stress and improve one’s mental health immensely, making it easier to combat unhealthy habits.
Stress is a fact of life, but it can be managed. Try these tips out for easing stress and attaining a lifestyle that is healthier and happier. Stay positive, and know you are worth it!
Tags: happiness, llife, stress